Thursday, May 31, 2012

Exercise Before Bed

Have you ever thought about exercising right before bed? Most people say don't because it will keep you awake all night and then you won't get enough sleep. Well, I found a solution to this.  Every night before bed I do 100 forward crunches, and 50 bicycle crunches (illustrations are below).  I also found my Bally Thigh's basically the Suzanne Somers Thigh-master...yes I know your thinking "that doesn't work"....well guess what that thigh toner got my inner thighs burning last night.  So guess what, just because something seem ridiculous doesn't mean that it isn't helpful.  With a combination of cardio during the day then crunches and thigh toning at night I hope to be a lean machine in no time.
Proper way to do crunches, I do 100 of these a night.

Bicycle crunches...after doing 100 regular crunches I am only able to do 50 of these, I hope to increase the number as my core gets stronger.

My Bally Thigh Toner :) Yup it's blue and awesome.  There are so many ways to use it too.

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