Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hiking with dogs

Due to the weather we had to postpone our overnight hike, but that didn't stop us from hiking this weekend.  Yesterday morning we made our way to Mount Si and did the Little Si Trail which wasn't nearly as hard as the Mount Si trail.  Because it was an easier hike we brought our black lab Harley (this was her second hike) and our Maltese Sookie (this was her first hike).  I must say for such a small dog, Sookie did amazing.  She probably could have ran up the trail and back and still not be tired.  It shocked me on how much energy she how and how much she loved it.  She was nice to people who walked by and just wanted to hike to the top.  I now have a new hiking buddy and she weighs 5 pounds :)  Harley did great as well, but she was definitely tired from the hike.  I was very proud of my puppies and look forward to more hikes.

Little Si Trail

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