Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Just Do It Attitude

Thinking about exercising to help improve your health? Put on your shoes and get out there, not more excuses...just do it! Don't allow your brain to stop you from getting out there and exercising.  Once you let your brain question why you are exercising instead of watching TV, or whatever else you wins...don't let it win.  It's time to take charge of your health with the Just Do It Attitude.

A study shows that people who are active actually ignore their brain's chatter which allows them to not come up with excuses to exercise.  So why are so many people obese?  Because they aren't ignoring the chatter like they should be. So my opinion is to change your attitude to just do it and ignore all of those excuses, and if you can't ignore them find someone who will help motivate you and push you to ignore them.  It's JUST DO IT!!

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