Thursday, May 17, 2012

Don't Let Pain Hold You Back

Have you worked out and the next day you became very sore, and then you decided you shouldn't work out because of this pain.  You are wrong for doing this, you body needs to keep moving.  Even if all you do is walk on the treadmill or around the part, it's important to keep those muscles warm.  Now I'm not suggesting you go run around the block or push yourself to extremes, because that would lead to injury.  What I'm suggesting is to take it easy but still allow yourself to workout because once you stop moving you will continue to come up with excuses to not work out.  And honestly how are you going to reach your goal if you keep coming up with excuses.  Today is a new day, make a change, enjoy life, be happy, and work your ass off to be that person you've always wanted to be!

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