Thursday, January 26, 2012

Need to Vent...

As you know everyone has a life outside of getting healthy, my life has been rather hectic which is why I haven't been able to work out as much as I want. Not trying to come up with excuses...well kind of....but I work full-time, go to college part-time, have four dogs (one is a puppy), and I am planning a's exhausting.  I bring this up because I hear people complaining about not finding time to work out because they would rather sit on their ass after work and it's starting to tick me off.  Honestly if I can figure out a way to workout so can you, stop with the excuses and step up.  Either you want to become healthy or you don't.  Sorry for the rant, but I am so sick of people saying they don't have time to cook a healthy meal when I have time and I have a busy life.  It's called prepare ahead of time! I write down my menu for the week on Sunday because I want to eat healthy and not eat out to save money and to not eat a plate full of junk food.  If people weren't so freaking lazy they wouldn't be fat, I am so sick of excuses people need to accept where they struggle and fix it! I struggle with snacking so I bring apples to work to snack on instead of chips, every small thing counts people....can you hear me!

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