Thursday, January 5, 2012


I feel that if you really want to lose weight you need to change more than just working out.  You need to change the way to eat, you should eat healthy food, but allow yourself a cheat day.  I have found that if I don't have a cheat day my weight loss plateaus which is very frustrating. When you really want to lose weight you honestly need to change all of your habits.  It's easy to go pickup fast food instead of making a lunch or dinner, but you need to change that.  I have found that if you dedicate Sunday to preparing food for lunch and dinner for the weak I am less likely to go out to eat.  Stick with it and let the people around you know that you are going healthy so they need to be supportive and not try to get you go out to eat when they know you can't.  It is so important for everyone around you to understand your change. 

I am lucky enough to have friends that are supportive and understand what I am trying to do.  I have an amazing future hubby that it losing weight right with me, we have changed our lives for the better and although the last few months we slipped a little, I know we can get back on track.

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