Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It has returned....or has it?

Last week I was snowed in so it was hard to find motivation to workout....and when I finally did....the power went out....this means no treadmill for me and there was no way I was going to go running out in the icy snow.

But this morning my motivation came back.  Have you ever woken up and just felt the need to workout?  Well, this morning that's the exact feeling that I had but unfortunately I had to go to work instead of workout.  Hopefully my motivation continues on until this evening when I get home.  I have tried to make sure dinner cooks for at least 30 minutes so I am able to workout during the cooking process....I am unable to workout after dinner as it makes me wired and I can't fall asleep.  Speaking of sleep, I've noticed that when I workout I sleep like crap, what's up with that? Time to do some googling to find out what's going on with my sleep habits....let's hope there is an easy fix, like a new bed!

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