Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This week I am sad to say my wonderful fiancee is out of town which means I have to do my portion and his and it's exhausting.  I honestly wouldn't be able to do this all the time it would be the death of me.  Let me fill you in...I have three small dogs and a black lab puppy...yes a three month old puppy that wants to play play play and eat eat eat and poop poop poop...she is exhausting.  Plus I work full-time and go to school part-time which makes my life a little more crazy....oh and I am trying to lose weight too.  For those of you who understand a busy life style, do you ever wonder how you get everything done in day?  I must say this week has really opened my eyes, I would go insane if it weren't for my fiancee.  He helps me out so much, even the little things that he does saves me a ton of time.  I am so thankful for him and can't wait for his the meantime I will be going a little nuts.  So if you find my blogs a little off it's because I have gone mad lol

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and accomplishes a goal a week...even if it's a small one. 

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