Monday, February 20, 2012

Insanity - Day 8

It's the beginning of week 2 and I am feeling good! I am ready to up my game and shed this fat. I have adjusted my fiancée and my diets compared to last week because we were both eating too many carbs and he had too much salt. So it's nice to learn from one week to another to see what works best for your body. We conducted our first weigh-ins on Saturday and also took our measurements so I am eager to see if we have any changes next Saturday. We are still adjusting to food intake as we have been doing a low calorie diet for the last year it feels weird upping our calorie intake by 500 calories. On the plus side I get to enjoy beverages will calories like orange juice and milk because I have enough calories when before, I seemed to only have calories for food. 

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