Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Insanity Day 2

Wow..that's all I got.  Most people would have probably postponed the workout because of Valentine's Day, but that just motivated me more.  Although getting off work late and having to get dinner ready almost made me skip the day I decided that my health is more important at this point.  If I push things off I am never going to do them, so I sucked it up did the workout and ate dinner a little later than planned.  Now let's talk about this workout, it was awesome!!  This video was 45 minutes long and included some workout moves from the fit test and then it also included football drills, basketball drills, and other workouts.  I must say I really enjoyed myself and although I did have to take a few breaks here and there I did better than I expected.  I have a feeling I am going to be sore tomorrow, but that's only because I pushed myself.  I am also so proud of my fiancee for doing the video's with me, I think that is a wonderful motivation having someone doing them with you.  Although I am usually the motivator I know that in the future when I need it he will push me!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day I am going to go relax as I am exhausted.

Video Used: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

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