Monday, February 13, 2012

Insanity - Day 1

The day is finally here, my breakfast, snacks, and lunch foods were prepared the night before and my dinner calendar is completed for the month and posted on my refrigerator.  To prepare for the insanity diet and workouts I prepared what we will be eating for the next month.  Although it took a lot of work, I think it will be worth it in the long run.  I found that this morning I had a lot of extra free time because my lunch was already packed for the day, it was nice waking up not having to worry about the little things.  I actually enjoyed waking up and playing with the dogs prior to leaving for work.  Today I brought a lot of food to work and I worry that I won't be able to eat all of it, but I think that it's okay.  Today is only day one so I am sure I will slowly be able to eat all of those calories as I start working out.  Today after work will be video one, which is the fit test.  So today's video is probably the easiest out of all of them, and I am okay with that :)  Prior to working out I plan on taking before pictures so that I can see my progress. 

Oh for those of you who are considering insanity I will make sure to let you know how I feel about the workouts and if these videos are worth your money.  Also I am not using their online system to track my food, I am using because it's easy to use and you can do it online and on your phone (awesome app).  I would have used insanity's website but they charge you and why pay more money with myfitnesspal is free and is an awesome program!

More to come after my workout this evening...

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