Thursday, February 23, 2012


I woke up today which a new attitude....I think it's because when I stood on the scale it was only down .2 lbs and I have been busting my ass the last two weeks.  My new attitude is to continue to workout hard and try changing up my foods.  Obviously the ones I am eating aren't working out so I am going to change it up for a week and see how it goes.  Instead of getting down on myself I am going to turn it around and make myself work harder.  My 2nd set of engagement photo's are coming up in a month and I want to be down at least 10 pounds, so it's time to crank it up a notch. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Today I worked out for today and yesterday. It consisted of pure cardio and abs. This was my first time doing the ab video and I loved it. It hurt in such an amazing way that I can't even try to explain it. All I can say is that there is a good chance I will add that video more than what the insanity calendar stats....because its awesome!!!

When life throws you a curveball, aim a little higher.

Everyone experiences curveballs at one time or another, but it's how you handle them that makes all the difference.  I had a pretty hard curveball yesterday when I got home from work.  My oldest dog was not doing well and I had to figure out should I take him to the Vet. now or wait it out, should I workout first or skip today.  Well, for those of you who know me my dogs mean the world to me so I immediately called the Vet. and brought him in and skipped working out.  I am happy to say that he is doing much better and is on pain medicine and should be feeling better in no time.  Although I missed the workout yesterday and feel guilty of it I did what I had to do and that's all anyone can do.  It's okay to miss a workout here and there if you have a good reason because we are human and things come up.  Just remember you need to get back on that bandwagon because if you fall off for too long its really hard to get back on!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Insanity - Day 8

It's the beginning of week 2 and I am feeling good! I am ready to up my game and shed this fat. I have adjusted my fiancĂ©e and my diets compared to last week because we were both eating too many carbs and he had too much salt. So it's nice to learn from one week to another to see what works best for your body. We conducted our first weigh-ins on Saturday and also took our measurements so I am eager to see if we have any changes next Saturday. We are still adjusting to food intake as we have been doing a low calorie diet for the last year it feels weird upping our calorie intake by 500 calories. On the plus side I get to enjoy beverages will calories like orange juice and milk because I have enough calories when before, I seemed to only have calories for food. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Insanity - Day 4

Today was the worst day for the pain, but the best day for the workout...because it was the easiest of the videos...THANK GOD!  I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it through the 33 minute video, but surprisingly it wasn't that bad.  Once your body starts warming up the pain seem to go away until you stop then it comes back like a smack in the face.  Thankfully I have lots of bath products for the bathtub because a good relaxing soak was well needed.  Nothing is better than a bath, book, candles, and was a perfect relaxing evening that was needed after these four days of hell. 

Dear Insanity...You Pain Me

My knees, my arms, my legs, my feet, my back, my hands, yes  today is day four of Insanity and my entire body is sore.  I hurt even when I am sitting down in a chair writing this blog.  I don't remember the last time my body was this sore. Yes even my feet and hands are sore, this is INSANE...but in a good way.  Today's video is called Cardio Recovery and it's only 33 minutes long which will be nice.  It also says that this video is the one day a week where Shaun goes easier on you...I sure hope this is right becuase I worry I could pull something if I keep pushing myself. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Insanity - Day 3

WOW...seriously that was insane!  I must say that today's video kicked my ass, it was full of didn't cardio exercises that I had a hard time doing.  Not that I was physically unable to do, but I wasn't coordinated enough to do.  It seems that I have two left feel when I am very sore, tired, and trying to do cardio at the max.  I have never realized how I lack rhythm until these videos, honestly it's a little embarrassing.  On the plus side I worked up a nice sweat and can't wait for tomorrow's video.  It feels like working out again and I can't wait to see some results.  On Saturday I am going to weigh-in along with doing measurements. I just hope that I see results because I have been trying to lose these final pounds for way too long!

Insanity Info.

If you are like me and want to get as many details about the program before purchasing it then I would recommend this website   From the website you can even download the insanity calendar so you can see which exercises you will be doing each day.  I have found this website extra helpful when it comes to recipes.  Although recipes do come with the program I find that I need more recipes that are more my taste and this website definitely has them.  If you have any questions please ask as I have done  a lot of research on this workout program.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Insanity Day 2

Wow..that's all I got.  Most people would have probably postponed the workout because of Valentine's Day, but that just motivated me more.  Although getting off work late and having to get dinner ready almost made me skip the day I decided that my health is more important at this point.  If I push things off I am never going to do them, so I sucked it up did the workout and ate dinner a little later than planned.  Now let's talk about this workout, it was awesome!!  This video was 45 minutes long and included some workout moves from the fit test and then it also included football drills, basketball drills, and other workouts.  I must say I really enjoyed myself and although I did have to take a few breaks here and there I did better than I expected.  I have a feeling I am going to be sore tomorrow, but that's only because I pushed myself.  I am also so proud of my fiancee for doing the video's with me, I think that is a wonderful motivation having someone doing them with you.  Although I am usually the motivator I know that in the future when I need it he will push me!  Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day I am going to go relax as I am exhausted.

Video Used: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Watching my Carbs...

Today is day two on my insanity diet and so far both days I have gone over on my carb and calcium intake.  Thanks to Valentine's Day I am going over because I am treating myself to chocolate covered strawberries, otherwise I wouldn't have gone over.  Does anyone has some tasty low calorie low carb snacks they could share with me.  I am having a hard time trying to find foods that are healthy and low in please!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Insanity - Day 1 Workout

Holy smokes first day was not what I expected at all, but it was awesome!  I must say I am eager for tomorrow because today was only the fit test, but tomorrow is going to be an actual workout.  The fit test is only consumed of 8 workout exercises, but they were good ones.  I hope I won't be too sore tomorrow....I probably will be because I haven't worked out for two weeks. To be continued tomorrow....

Video Used: Dig Deeper & Fit Test

Insanity - Day 1

The day is finally here, my breakfast, snacks, and lunch foods were prepared the night before and my dinner calendar is completed for the month and posted on my refrigerator.  To prepare for the insanity diet and workouts I prepared what we will be eating for the next month.  Although it took a lot of work, I think it will be worth it in the long run.  I found that this morning I had a lot of extra free time because my lunch was already packed for the day, it was nice waking up not having to worry about the little things.  I actually enjoyed waking up and playing with the dogs prior to leaving for work.  Today I brought a lot of food to work and I worry that I won't be able to eat all of it, but I think that it's okay.  Today is only day one so I am sure I will slowly be able to eat all of those calories as I start working out.  Today after work will be video one, which is the fit test.  So today's video is probably the easiest out of all of them, and I am okay with that :)  Prior to working out I plan on taking before pictures so that I can see my progress. 

Oh for those of you who are considering insanity I will make sure to let you know how I feel about the workouts and if these videos are worth your money.  Also I am not using their online system to track my food, I am using because it's easy to use and you can do it online and on your phone (awesome app).  I would have used insanity's website but they charge you and why pay more money with myfitnesspal is free and is an awesome program!

More to come after my workout this evening...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wheat - The Worst Food for Your Belly

I came across this article about how wheat is bad your belly, but honestly it doesn't make sense.  I have always been told that you shouldn't eat white bread because wheat bread is healthier for you, but now people are saying that you should eliminate wheat all together.  This doesn't make any sense! Now eating an excessive amount of carbs can probably be bad on your figure, but how can you say all wheat...unless you are allergic to it or something. I understand you can get good carbs from other ingredients like vegetables, but seriously this article is ridiculous! It's just another way for someone to get rich because people eat this crap up, what a joke.  Although I think its stupid I want you to be the judge, you can find the article at:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


This week I am sad to say my wonderful fiancee is out of town which means I have to do my portion and his and it's exhausting.  I honestly wouldn't be able to do this all the time it would be the death of me.  Let me fill you in...I have three small dogs and a black lab puppy...yes a three month old puppy that wants to play play play and eat eat eat and poop poop poop...she is exhausting.  Plus I work full-time and go to school part-time which makes my life a little more crazy....oh and I am trying to lose weight too.  For those of you who understand a busy life style, do you ever wonder how you get everything done in day?  I must say this week has really opened my eyes, I would go insane if it weren't for my fiancee.  He helps me out so much, even the little things that he does saves me a ton of time.  I am so thankful for him and can't wait for his the meantime I will be going a little nuts.  So if you find my blogs a little off it's because I have gone mad lol

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and accomplishes a goal a week...even if it's a small one. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sample Meal Plan

I thought I would provide you with a sample of my meal plan and my fiancees...he gets to eat 2,800 calories a day while I only get 1,700 calories....this can make meal planning rather difficult, but I think I got it figured out.

1,700 Calorie Sample Day Meals:
Breakfast: Oatmeal, Coffee w/ creamer, Apple, 12 Almonds = 405 calories
Snack 1: Luna Bar = 170 calories
Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad (insanity recipe), light Italian dressing, nonfat cheese = 425 calories
Snack 2: Banana, 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter = 200 calories
Dinner: Steak w/ broccoli (insanity recipe), Red Wine = 454 calories

Total Calories: 1,654

2,800 Calorie Sample Day Meals:
Breakfast: Oatmeal, Apple, English muffin w/ peanut butter, 1 cup milk = 640 calories
Snack 1: Clif Bar, Carrots w/ ranch = 340 calories
Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad (insanity recipe), light Italian dressing, nonfat cheese = 625 calories
Snack 2: Cold cut platter (insanity recipe) = 400 calories
Dinner: Steak w/ broccoli (insanity recipe), 1 cup nonfat pudding = 700 calories

Total Calories: 2,705

Monday, February 6, 2012

Preparing for Insanity Workout

My fiancee and I took a good look in the mirror and decided it was time to try something new.  After asking people I knew and doing online research we decided that the Insanity Workout Videos are just what we need.  We want to lose fat and gain muscle and that's exactly what Insanity is suppose to do.  This week I am planning our meals for the next few weeks, because we want this workout to work like it should we are taking the meals rather seriously.  The nice thing about this workout plan is they provide a ton of recipes and a list of all of the foods you can eat, so you don't have to use their recipes, you can make your own too.  The hard part is trying to up our food intake.  We have been doing low calorie diets and eating 5 times a day for the last year, but now I have to eat an extra 500 calories a day....this is going to be rough. On the plus side the Insanity mean plan wants you to eat 5 times a day and since we are already doing that so at least that won't be new. 

The foods that they recommend are pretty simple, lean meats, good carbs, fruits, and vegetables.  Basically they want you to eliminate the crap that you eat, like McDonald's...try a lean burger or turkey burger instead.  Basically the food they want you to eat is the food you should be eating, so that seems simple right? Well it is until you start craving something fatty, like cake or fried chicken...thankfully I don't have a sweet tooth, but I do like fried food...