Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happiness in my Life

Through thick and thin I find it rewarding to have found a man who loves me unconditionally.  I am lucky enough to have some of the same interests with him.  We both own Harley's and love to ride together.  Last weekend we decided it was time for a ride to Leavenworth for lunch we had everything planned and then sh*t hit the fan in our personal life.  Because of the stress in our personal life we weren't sure if we should go to Leavenworth or not, but at the last minute we decided we should.  I am so thankful that we did because it was so relaxing to just ride and get all of those negative stressful thoughts out of my head.  When you ride it's as if everything around you is slowing going by and you can smell everything, some are wonderful smells like flowers and trees and water and sometime you get really nasty smells like skunk and rotten eggs.  The best part about riding it that we ride together and we burn a TON of calories while riding.  If you think riding isn't hard on your body think again...consider the wind hitting you at 70mph or the turns you have to take which require you to use your whole body or the fact that your hands do a lot of work using the break and changing gears. 

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