Friday, August 26, 2011

Eating Right

When thinking about what you eat on a daily basis, do you consider the foods "healthy".  If you don't eat right then now is the time.  If you are too busy to go to the  grocery store or produce stand because of work and kids, well those are just bad excuses because you can have your produce delivered to your house.  I prefer organic fruits and veggies and although they are a tad more expensive not enough to show any damage on my pocket book.  I would recommend you try a local company that delivers to your home.  I use Terra Organics, they are reasonably priced and you get to choose your selection or you can have them provide you with the box of the week which allows you to try new fruits and veggies that you may not have tried by looking at them at the store.

Even if you don't have produce delivered make sure you are eating enough fruits and veggies.  I try to fill my plate with lots of veggies or fruits and then a small portion of meat.  If your not a meat eat fill your meat portion with tofu or whatever else you want.  I understand that eating healthy can cost more money then a frozen dinner, but when thinking about isn't your body worth it?

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