Friday, September 9, 2011

Can We Say Sore?

I finally found some motivation and have now done the 30 day shred video 2 days in a row and I plan on continuing for 30 days.  I've decided to mix things up and instead of doing level one for the month I am changing up the levels daily.  I get bored easily so in order to keep my attention I need to mix it up.  Today is day 3 and I plan on doing level 3 for the first time, I am excited and nervous at the same time.  I am sore from head to toe today and I've only done it for two days so I worry that I won't be able to walk after today's workout.  If you are interested in a workout video that only takes up 30 minutes of your time, you need to buy this.  Jillian is an amazing instructor and motivator!

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