Thursday, September 8, 2011


I find it hard to concentrate on eating healthy and exercising when I have a lot going on in life. Currently between school, work, and person issues I have had a hard time finding time to exercise.  I have even found it hard to wake up for work, and I know this feeling will go away with time, but how do you defeat yourself and force yourself to workout?  If you have the answer let me know :)  Yesterday was the first day in about a week that I worked out and it felt like I hadn't worked out in month, I'm not sure if it's because of my lack of sleep or because my mind was going a mile a minute.  It also didn't help that I was doing a Jillian DVD so when we did punching I punched my heart out visualizing a face of someone I wanted to punch.  I don't think I have ever been that into a DVD in my life, so I decided maybe this is what will help me get out of my funk.  Today I am doing 30 Day Shred again, but this time level 2 in hopes that I can continue taking my anger out on exercise instead of on others.  Wish me luck! :)

My inspiration for the day: "People not only gain understanding through reflection, they evaluate and alter their own thinking." - Albert Bandura

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