Monday, April 16, 2012

Yard Work

It was a beautiful weekend in the Pacific Northwest and I made sure to take advantage of it while it lasted.  My Saturday was full of pulling weeds, spraying weed killer, leveling dirt, and so much more.  My Saturday was full of yard work and it felt so good, I forgot about how much of a workout yard work was.  My arms were burning after only a few minutes of hoeing the dirt, it's hard work...By the time Sunday came I was exhausted, so I didn't do as much yard work but I did put together our new deck furniture with my fiancee and went on a short motorcycle ride....I forgot about what kind of a workout a motorcycle ride was, my hands and back were not happy with me.  Thanks to my productive weekend it has put me back on track for working out and eating healthy.  Today I brought I delicious chicken salad for lunch and ate oatmeal and an apple for breakfast.  I have two months until my dress fitting and 10 pounds to go...wish me luck...I will need it! :)

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