Tuesday, April 17, 2012

BMR...We Meet Again

Do you know what your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is?  Well if you don't and you are trying to workout you may end up eating less calories than you should which will eventually catch up to you and cause you to gain weight or plateau. There are lots of tools out there that can help you.  The website I use to keep track of my calories provides a calculator tool to calculate what my BMR is.  My current BMR is 1,395 calories per day. Your BMR is how many calories you'd burn if you stayed in bed all day — basically, how many calories you burn just to stay alive. So you should be eating your BMR calories and eating your exercise calories back in order to lose weight....it took me over a year to figure this out...I hit a plateau about 6 months ago and until I upped my calories and altered my carb, fat, and protein percentage nothing would work for me.  I was eating too many carbs and not enough calories, I wish I would have known this 6 months ago....

I hope my findings can help you achieve your goals, just know every body is different so you may need to alter your carb, fat, protein percentages to what works for you body. 

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