Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Crunch Time

We all have goals that we want to reach, but how many of us actually achieve those goals?  Honestly I am feeling like I may be one of those who never reaches my goal, but that helps motivate me to work harder.  I don't want to be one of those people who is always dieting because I can't reach my goal.  I have made myself a timeline and I want to reach it.  In order to reach my goal I have altered the way I eat and will continue to workout, but push myself harder than I have ever pushed before. 

Because I have PCOS I have found that it's a lot harder to lose weight compared to the people around me without PCOS.  But thankfully I have been able to do some research online and found people who have achieved weight loss and met their goal and didn't let PCOS stop that...that was a huge motivator for me.  They also described how they achieved it, so I'm trying it out.  I use the program myfitnesspal on my cell phone and on their website to track my food, and the system allows me to alter the way I eat to meet my needs.  The women who were successful with weight loss changed their eating to 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% I've changed the way I eat to those percentages.  I actually started on Monday and have already lost .5 pounds, so let's hope with this food adjustment I can reach my goal.  Wish me luck!!!

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