Friday, April 13, 2012

Dress Fitting Already?

I am finally feeling better after being sick and know it's time to get back on the health and fitness bandwagon.  My wedding dress fitting is in two months and I need to be at my goal weight otherwise I will have to have my dress altered again and I honestly don't want to waste my money on that.  So this weekend I am going to put together a Meal and Exercise Plan to help me with my goals and to help my fiancee with his.  I have a bunch of new healthy cookbooks that I am going to go through and find foods that we can eat for multiple days.  I am also added a lot more fresh vegetables to our meal plan and a few fruits.  The hard part will be keeping our carbs down and our calories up...carbs seem to be found in everything and for some reason I LOVE THEM!!! :)

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