Friday, April 6, 2012

Get Ready, Cause Here I Come....

That's right get ready to see me running around town and even around the baseball diamond.  I am feeling so much better than last week and although I still have a nasty cough I'm not going to let it stop me from reaching my goals.  I started a new goal that I think will work well for me.  My goal is to lose 8 pounds in the month of April and if I do I get to go on a shopping spree for some items I really want.  I've made a list of the items I want to purchase and have made a goal that once I lose those 8 pounds I get them.  I haven't made a rewards goal before so I am trying something new and hope that it works.  Once I get those 8 pounds off I will be 5 pounds from my exciting!!!!! Wish me luck!

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