Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Road Block

Have you ever come to a road block in your weight loss and just can't figure out how to budge that scale?  Well I seem to have hit that road block and it's really starting to tick me off.  I understand that the workouts I am doing are turning my fat into muscle and that's probably why I am not seeing a scale difference and only a measurement different, but still I work my ass off.  I want to see something on the scale for working my ass off, as I know people who hardly do anything and their scale drops...it's so frustrating. Even with this temporary road block I am not giving up, if it means I lose 3 inches around my hips versus 10 pounds on the scale so be it.  As long as I look good in my own eyes that's all that matter to me, I just need to stop obsessing over that damn scale...

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