Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Calorie in-take

After doing some research online I have found that most people who plateau can over come it by upping their calorie intake.  I found an equation that gives you your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) so I am going to give it a try.  I have been eating around 1400 calories a day and then add additional calories when I work out, but for some reason the weight is coming off like I want it to.  So after figuring out what my TDEE I have realized that I should be eating more and that could be why my body is stuck at this weight.  My thought is, that I will try anything to get over this plateau and if it's upping my calories then I guess I will have to eat more delicious food....you won't hear my complaining :)  So I am going to start eating between 1600 and 1700 calories a day and see how my body likes that the next few week...let's hope it does the trick.  I have already lost over 30 lbs so it's just my final 10 that I want off so I am not expecting to lose 2 lbs a week, it just isn't realistic.  Wish me luck!

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