Friday, March 30, 2012

Losing Weight....The Wrong Way

Well thanks to being sick the last week I have managed to lose a few pounds because I haven't been able to eat much thanks to my bronchitis.  I am on a liquid and soup diet and it's been rough, I do not wish this on anyone.  I would rather be losing weight through exercise and eating right, but unfortunately that's not going to happen until I start feeling better.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

12k then a cleanse

I've decided to start a cleanse the day after I complete the Seahawks 12k..let's hope this isn't a mistake.  Because I have been stuck at the same weight for a while I wanted a jump start to finish my final 10 pounds.  I have always wanted to do a cleanse and after talking with people who have done them I think it will do what I want.  I already eat healthy for the most part, but with this cleanse I have to eliminate those foods that I eat in moderation (bad carbs and dairy). So if those are what's preventing me from losing weight then I will have to take them out of my diet until I reach my goal and slowly bring them back.  Let's hope for a good cleanse, details to come once I start (April 2nd).

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Yikes....6 Months?

Six months from tomorrow I will be getting married and that is a huge motivator for my weight loss, because I want to look and feel beautiful in my dress.  I want to lose 10 to 20 pounds, but seem to be struggling with just losing one, so this means I will probably have to work extra hard the next 6 months to ensure I meet my goal. I am going to try to lower my carbohydrates and up my protein the next couple of weeks to see if that helps me break through my plateau. I have been controlling my fat intake finally so hopefully with this small change to my diet I will be losing weight in no time......and if not.....then I guess I will have to figure something else out!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Calorie in-take

After doing some research online I have found that most people who plateau can over come it by upping their calorie intake.  I found an equation that gives you your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) so I am going to give it a try.  I have been eating around 1400 calories a day and then add additional calories when I work out, but for some reason the weight is coming off like I want it to.  So after figuring out what my TDEE I have realized that I should be eating more and that could be why my body is stuck at this weight.  My thought is, that I will try anything to get over this plateau and if it's upping my calories then I guess I will have to eat more delicious won't hear my complaining :)  So I am going to start eating between 1600 and 1700 calories a day and see how my body likes that the next few week...let's hope it does the trick.  I have already lost over 30 lbs so it's just my final 10 that I want off so I am not expecting to lose 2 lbs a week, it just isn't realistic.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Over Doing It

Have you ever over done something to the point that your body hates you? I have...the last two weeks I have worked out everyday to the point that I want to pass out after I am done working out.  Then to make things worse I drank way too much with the girls over the weekend and have a hard time recovering.  It has now hit me that I am not 21 anymore and when I try acting like it my body hates me.  On the plus side I know that I can still push myself, but my body takes a lot longer to recover than it used it.  I am going to start working out every other day to see how my body likes that, because it did not like my workout schedule of doing it daily....

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Road Block

Have you ever come to a road block in your weight loss and just can't figure out how to budge that scale?  Well I seem to have hit that road block and it's really starting to tick me off.  I understand that the workouts I am doing are turning my fat into muscle and that's probably why I am not seeing a scale difference and only a measurement different, but still I work my ass off.  I want to see something on the scale for working my ass off, as I know people who hardly do anything and their scale's so frustrating. Even with this temporary road block I am not giving up, if it means I lose 3 inches around my hips versus 10 pounds on the scale so be it.  As long as I look good in my own eyes that's all that matter to me, I just need to stop obsessing over that damn scale...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Turbo fire abs

Yesterday was the first time I did turbo fire abs and it was amazing. I am so happy to have found two great ab videos. When I woke up this morning I knew the abs video did something....because my abs are in pain. This isn't a bad pain it's a good pain. My entire ab area is in pain and it feels awesome, I haven't had this feeling in a long time. I am looking forward to today's workout in hopes that I can cause a little more good pain to my body.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Turbo Fire + Insanity = WOW

So to mix things up I also purchased the Turbo Fire videos as I have a bad knee and noticed that doing insanity daily really aggravated it.  So to mix things up for my body..mainly my knee...I have started Turbo Fire as well.  Yesterday was my first day with Turbo Fire and it was awesome, I had so much fun working out that I put in the Insanity Ab video just for fun.  I expected myself to be more sore than I am, but it was so worth it.  I am going to continue doing the videos switching off every other day to see how it feels on my knee.  The hard part about Insanity is that they want you to jump...a LOT...jumping in some of the movements are really hard on your knees and if you are like me you will regret doing that exercise.  So far the first video of Turbo Fire only had a few jumps that I couldn't do with me knee otherwise it was a very motivating video.  I plan on doing another video of Turbo Fire today along with Insanity ab again....I can't say it enough I LOVE Insanity abs its the best ab video I have ever done!