Friday, July 6, 2012

Hello Sun...Are you there?

As most of you know the Seattle area isn't known for their sunshine and it seemed like we were never going to get sunshine....but guess what it's finally out!  I just hope it sticks around long enough for me to enjoy it.  Because the sun is suppose to be out all weekend I am going to try and enjoy the outdoors.  When it comes to exercise I prefer to do it outside then being stuck in a building...the gym is great but outside is so much better.  Besides yard work I have been slacking on working out so now I have no excuses because the sun is out and it's perfect weather for a bicycle ride.  I am going to dust off my bike and take it on the trail, I am excited and hope that I can make it the entire 30 miles....yup our trail is 30 miles long and I've never finished it. So now is the time to finish that long trail!  I encourage you to get outside and do something, take your dog for a walk, or if you don't have a dog take your significant other for a walk or even walk by yourself.  Just get outside and do something!

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