Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gym Workouts

Yesterday was my first day back in the's been a year since I last went to the did it feel good to get back in there.  I decided to take things slow...I started on the treadmill.  The treadmill had an option of weight loss which included intervals so I tried it out.  I set the time for 45 minutes, it had me do 3 minutes at a pace of 4.0 and a 0 incline, then it upped my incline to 3.0 and changed my pace to 3.5 for 4 minutes, next it brought my include back down to 0 and this time it upped my pace to 5.0....but that wasn't enough for me so I upped it to 7.0.  It then for the next 45 minutes continued to switch my incline and pace.  It was probably one of my best workouts on a treadmill, I was sweating my ASS off.  After the treadmill I hit the weight machines, since I am new to weight machines I decided to try a little bit of everything.  I don't remember the name of the machines, but I did an ab machine, a machine for my upper back, arms, and chest.  I also did the leg press....I did 4 reps of 20 at 150 lbs and it felt great.  I also did one rep of 250lbs just to see if I could do it since that's the weight my fiancee left the machine at :)  I will return to the gym tomorrow to try out some new machine including the stair machine...that one kicks my butt everytime!

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