Monday, July 9, 2012


Well this weekend was full of exercise, sunshine, and it felt great...well except for my two new injuries....yup two...So on Saturday we decided to go for a bicycle ride since the sun was out and we had a few hours to kill.  It felt great until we reached the 10 mile mark, my seat became very uncomfortable.  It became so bad that it felt like my butt was bruised.  At that point we decided to turn around; the 10 miles home were excruciating.  I forgot how much the seat hurts the first time I ride my bike, but at least I know it will feel better the next time we ride....I hope!

Then on Sunday we had a double header on our co-ed softball team.  We were pumped and got there early so we could practice batting.  I was smashing the balls and then I decided to try to catch the ball with my hand as it was going for my bad knee...well instead of catching it like I should, I somehow caught it with the top of my thumb and the top of my thumb nail.  This caused my thumb to start bleeding underneath my nail and for me not to be able to bend my thumb because it is now jammed...So due to my injury I attempted to bat for the team but had a hard time hitting the ball thanks to my messed up thumb.  But on the positive side I was there for the team, even though I sucked thanks to my thumb, and it was beautiful out.  It was well over 80 degrees when we were playing and although it was hot standing in the sun, I couldn't complain because the sun was out.

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