Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I'm Going To Win!

As you recall on Sunday I hurt my thumb, well that didn't stop me from going to the gym on Monday after work.  I did the treadmill and the bicycle and took my time, a lot of movement hurts my thumb so I took it easy.  I've come to realize that if I keep pushing myself to go to the gym, it starts to become easier for me to go.  But as soon as start slacking I have a hard time motivating myself to go.  Yesterday I didn't go and today I'm unable to due to a wedding planning meeting I have after work with our venue.  But that's not going to stop me from working out...I plan on getting on my treadmill and at least do two miles until I have to leave.  I am running out of excuses for working out and it's time to get serious!

I'm going to beat my own laziness and win by reaching my weigh loss goal!!!

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