Thursday, July 19, 2012


Have you ever hurt yourself when it was convenient for you?  I've come to realize that my injured thumb is really getting in my way.  I find it hard to do heavy cardio or even strength training because of it.  So how am I suppose to reach my goal before my wedding?....which happens to be in two months...If you have any suggestions please send them my way.  I am finding it very frustrating right now. 

I tried to run on the treadmill when I went to the gym on Tuesday and it made my thumb hurt even more, so I switched to the bicycle but that didn't make me feel like I was really working my body.  For some reason I can sit on the bicycles and peddle forever, even in the hardest setting.  Maybe I need to mix things up, do they have elliptical that don't use you arms?  I'm finding it hard to find something since even typing this blog hurts my thumb....ugh so no convenient...

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