Monday, June 4, 2012

30 Day Shred / Turbo Fire Challenge

Today is day one of my challenge.  I decided to ensure that I don't get bored in the next 30 days that I am going to combine my 30 day shred and turbo fire videos.  Meaning, one day shred the next turbo fire.  I am going to do these video's Monday - Friday, which allows me to do other exercises during the weekend.  Like how last weekend I did yard work and softball and the weekend before that I went hiking.  I figure as long as I am pushing myself during the week I should be more successful in reaching my goal.  My dress fitting is getting closer and closer and I want to be down a few inches before then, so it's time to get serious. 

I have the food thing down, now it's time to turn my fat into muscle.  I've also decided that during this challenge I'm not going to weigh myself, it's going to be hard but this is something that I have to do.  I've become too obsessed with weighing myself and I need to concentrate more on how I feel and look versus what the scale says. 

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