Monday, May 16, 2011

Goal #1 Complete!!

After eating healthy and working out for 4 months I finally reached my first weight loss goal and boy it feels good!  I would have reached it two or three weeks sooner, but instead I ate whatever I wanted and maintained my weight. :) Now it's time to get back on track as our Vegas vacation is only 2 months away; plus I am beyond ready to lose my final 20 pounds.  Along with reaching my goal I have also moved into the healthy category for BMI! 

When I talk to people about my weight loss and how I want to lose 20 more pounds they look at my like I am crazy and ask me where...sometimes I don't know what to say to them.  When I look in the mirror I see someone who is still heavy so maybe I am missing something.  I just want to feel comfortable with myself and that happens to be the weight I was when I joined the Air Force....back in 2003. 

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