Monday, May 23, 2011

Dining Out

How is it possible to dine out and still maintain your weight loss goals?  I've decided that it's impossible unless you check out the restaurants nutrition information before going.  Unfortunately, not all restaurants provide that information so that can make it tricky.  It's best to look at the entire menu at a restaurant to see if they have a "light" or "healthy" section, those usually have the least amount of calories and sodium.  But if you are unable to find a "healthy" section your best bet is to stick with a salad, grilled fish, or chicken.  It's tempting to get back into your old ways and order fried chicken with french fries, and then devour it all.....DON'T let temptations ruin your diet.  It's okay to "splurge" every once in a while, but don't go over board!

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