Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Finally Nice Weather!

After a bad start to Spring we are finally starting to see some nice weather in the Seattle area.  Hopefully this means we might have a warm Summer....I hope!  I have been looking forward to nicer weather because it will help me lose my last 20 lbs.  I get bored easily which means I am already bored with my usual routine which consists of the treadmill, workout videos, or yoga.  And although I love doing all three, it can get boring after doing them week after week.  I need a change, something that will help motivate me and allow me to workout.  Having nice weather means I can go for walks with my dogs or go on bicycles rides. 

Today is beautiful and although it isn't as warm as I would like I want to do something active outside.  I plan on going for a bicycle ride today after work with my fiance as we both need the exercise.  I will let you know how it goes, hopefully I can ride as well as I did last year....we shall see.

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