Thursday, January 24, 2013

So Sore...Nice Feeling

The last few days I've gotten back into the rhythm of working out.  I busted out some old workout videos, dusted them off, and put them in.  I started on Tuesday by doing the 30 Day Shred video by Jillian and was surprised on how well I did.  Normally doing it for the first time in a long time I struggle, but this time I kicked butt.  I even used my 8 pound weights instead of 5 arms are still sore today from them, but I'm okay with that.  It makes me feel like I accomplished something.  Then yesterday (Wednesday) I decide to do a Turbo Fire video and after completing the video I decided I still have some motivation so let's do another one....what was I thinking???

So today my entire body is sore from working out the last two days, but I am pleased with it.  Instead of taking a day off I'm going to go running after work and keep up this motivation.  I know as soon as I stop I will start slacking and I'm tired of being unfit and not to my standards of health.  It's also a good motivator that I'm in a wedding early April so I want to look good for pictures...but besides that summer is coming....and I've been trying to reach my goal weight for over a year and haven't reached it.  So now is the more excuses!!

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