Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 8 - It's going GREAT!

Today it's been a week since I started the gluten free, low preservative, low calorie diet and so far it's working out great.  It's nice to be back in the kitchen and cooking.  I'm trying to come up with different recipes that can last a few days.  Everything I am cooking is fresh, with an exception of no salt added canned beans or corn....sometimes I can't get to the store.  But for the most part it's all fresh vegetables, herbs, and meat.  I must say I don't miss bread or pasta at all.  I did however buy some gluten free pasta, but we won't be eating that until we have completed 30 days.  I am proud to say that I lost 1 pound, and this is huge for me as I've been stuck at the same weight for a year and a half.  But what's even more impressive is that my husband (who we are really doing this diet for) lost 10 pounds!!!  Now we figure a lot of it is water weight, but I am so proud of him.  He is doing great on the diet and we have even starting going back to the gym.  We will be there again tonight. 

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