Thursday, January 31, 2013

Never been sore there before....

I am almost done with week two of working out and I feel great.  Plus I tried a few new exercises the last two days and wow am I sore.  I've never been sore on my sides know the love handle/muffin top area of a female.  I only did one rep on each side with a 12 lb medicine ball for two days straight..did not expect to be this sore.  Don't get me wrong, it's a good sore because I've never been sore there before, but now I am curious to see what else I can do with this ball.  As I learn new exercises and try them out I will let you know how it goes.  Off to the gym I go!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

So Sore...Nice Feeling

The last few days I've gotten back into the rhythm of working out.  I busted out some old workout videos, dusted them off, and put them in.  I started on Tuesday by doing the 30 Day Shred video by Jillian and was surprised on how well I did.  Normally doing it for the first time in a long time I struggle, but this time I kicked butt.  I even used my 8 pound weights instead of 5 arms are still sore today from them, but I'm okay with that.  It makes me feel like I accomplished something.  Then yesterday (Wednesday) I decide to do a Turbo Fire video and after completing the video I decided I still have some motivation so let's do another one....what was I thinking???

So today my entire body is sore from working out the last two days, but I am pleased with it.  Instead of taking a day off I'm going to go running after work and keep up this motivation.  I know as soon as I stop I will start slacking and I'm tired of being unfit and not to my standards of health.  It's also a good motivator that I'm in a wedding early April so I want to look good for pictures...but besides that summer is coming....and I've been trying to reach my goal weight for over a year and haven't reached it.  So now is the more excuses!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Going Strong

Well another day has past and we are doing great on our diet. Our biggest issue isn't what we are eating and the amount that we are eating anymore...instead of issue is going to the gym. We haven't been able to get back in the groove of things with the gym, but we need to start. It's easy to lose a few pounds while eating healthy, but I want to lose weight and tone up. I want a six pack by summer...okay probably not a six pack...but how about a stomach that I am proud to show off because of my hard work at the gym. Thankfully in Seattle our Summers come late in the year so I have lots of months to look good for summer weather.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 8 - It's going GREAT!

Today it's been a week since I started the gluten free, low preservative, low calorie diet and so far it's working out great.  It's nice to be back in the kitchen and cooking.  I'm trying to come up with different recipes that can last a few days.  Everything I am cooking is fresh, with an exception of no salt added canned beans or corn....sometimes I can't get to the store.  But for the most part it's all fresh vegetables, herbs, and meat.  I must say I don't miss bread or pasta at all.  I did however buy some gluten free pasta, but we won't be eating that until we have completed 30 days.  I am proud to say that I lost 1 pound, and this is huge for me as I've been stuck at the same weight for a year and a half.  But what's even more impressive is that my husband (who we are really doing this diet for) lost 10 pounds!!!  Now we figure a lot of it is water weight, but I am so proud of him.  He is doing great on the diet and we have even starting going back to the gym.  We will be there again tonight. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1 - Gluten Free

Today is the first day to our new gluten free lifestyle and I must say I am mentally hurting myself.  All I can think about is those foods that I can't eat and it's driving me insane.  Thankfully this will go away..I hope, but right now my body is giving me issues.  Besides going gluten free I have also cut back my calories to help me lose the rest of the weight that I want to lose.  We are also trying to avoid processed foods.  So between no gluten, lower calories, and small amounts of processed foods, this is going to be a huge challenge.  But we are both up for it, and I hope that we feel and see a difference in the next 30 days. 

Wish us luck!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Try my 100 Calorie Mini Sausage Omelette's

I created a new recipe inspired by one that I found on  These are the perfect size for breakfast, and they are only 100 calories.  I eat one of these with a weight watchers string cheese and it keeps me full until snack time.  Plus they are simple to make and you can change it up easily.  It's the perfect breakfast for busy people who want to eat healthy.

Check out my recipes at

Goodbye Gluten

Today is our final day eating gluten and I'm actually not bummed about it at all. We went to the grocery store today and purchased a bunch of fresh vegetables and meat to eat for the week.  I've planned out our food for the week and hope the next month doesn't kill me.  I have never been a huge fan of bread and pasta so that will be easy for me, but my husband loves them both so it's going to be a challenge keeping him motivated.  Hopefully over the next month his ideas of good food will change and he will keep up with the healthy eating.  I already cooked out lunch and breakfast for the week, so it should make things easier since everything is planned out.  If anyone has some recipes ideas for gluten free foods please send them my way.  I posted a new gluten free omelet recipe today on my blog and will add more as I make them.