Sunday, December 29, 2013

Date Night

We hadn't had date night in a while so we planned one in advance.  We went back to the place where he popped the question, the Space Needle Restaurant.  It was so much fun and we were seated right on the window so we had a perfect view of the city.  The food was amazing!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Fun

I can't believe it's the day after Christmas I feel like it just arrived and it's over so quickly.  This year we hosted Christmas at our house for the first time which caused it to be extra crazy around the house.  With all the family birthdays this month including mine and my hubby's time flew by.  It was so much fun seeing friends and family so much this month, but I am ready for a break. Thankfully this week is short only one more workday and then it's a 5 day weekend, I am very much looking forward to that.  Except it won't be relaxing for me until I finish my two final papers for my college classes, then it will be three days of relaxing and going through Christmas presents.  I cannot wait!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Birthday Fun

We had a blast in Leavenworth celebrating my 30th birthday.  I am so fortunate that my husband put this all together and it was such a great success. Here are some pictures from our fun in downtown Leavenworth, our lodge, and sledding in a huge sleigh.  What a blast!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Birthday Bash

I cannot believe I am going to turn 30 in 9 days, this has to be one of the scariest things so far...I'm not ready!  Give me one more year, then maybe I will be ready...this is too soon!  At least I will be celebrating my 30th birthday with a group of wonderful people.  I look forward to hanging out with everyone and feel so fortunate that my wonderful husband planned this get together.  I can't wait to see everyone in Leavenworth, it's going to be a fun weekend! 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Christmas Tree

This morning we went and cut down our Christmas tree at a tree farm not too far from our house.  It was freezing out, thankfully I brought lots of layers and the sun was out...but it was still below freezing.  We looked all around and finally found a tree...a HUGE tree.  The largest we have had yet, I was so excited (it was my year to pick out the tree, we take turns).  What do you think?  It's 9 feet tall and perfect!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I am finding that it is hard to balance my life right now.  I feel that work and homework is consuming me during the holiday season and I don't like it.  I need to figure out how to balance it so that I can enjoy the holidays. December is already a hectic month for me as there are so many birthdays, including myself and my hubby's, but then you have Christmas and then New Year, it's none stop craziness after Thanksgiving...eek!  Maybe a little yoga will help put my balance in place...I think I may try that tonight.  Wish me luck :)

Sunday, November 3, 2013


What an emotional roller coaster.  The game started off with me yelling at the Hawks because they looked awful out there.  Then I ended the game yelling (cheering loudly) for them.  It was such a mix of feelings at this game but I am happy to say we won in Overtime.  I could tell that the Buccaneers were truly disappointed and probably in shock that they lost after having the score be 21-0.  But never doubt the Seahawks, they might have been shaky at the beginning half but came back with full force in the second.  What a game!

Seahawks 8 - 1 WOOHOOO!!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Party Fun

We had our most successful Halloween pumpkin carving party yet!  With 30 people in attendance, our largest group out of the last three years, it was a success.  Having that many people at our house made us nervous, but we were happily surprised. With a combination of people in the house and outside, it worked out perfectly. 

Cowboy & Cowgirl <3

Great Friends!

Teenage Mutan Ninja Turtles

Mickey and Minnie

Winnie the Pooh


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Over the weekend we went to Picha Farms to get our pumpkins for our annual pumpkin carving party.  We go to the same farm every year and this year I couldn't believe how many people were there.  I have never seen this many people at the pumpkin patch before, it was crazy.  There were kids and dogs running everywhere and there was the delicious smell of the kettle corn and coffee.  It was a wonderful chilly day.  If you've never been to one you need to go, it's a blast...

Friday, October 18, 2013

Halloween Costumes

I can't believe Halloween is right around the corner, it seems like just yesterday is was June.  Time sure does fly by the older you get....gosh why does 30 have to come so soon? Sorry, back on we are hosting our annual pumpkin carving party and this year we have added costumes to the party.  Every will be dressed up in something fun which puts a lot off pressure on the hosts...myself and my husband....we have to have awesome costumes so what do we chose?  We've looked at a bunch online and should have already gone to the stores but put it off until the weekend before to find something.  So we are off to the stores tonnight and this weekend to find something grand.  We can't decide between a couple costume or both of us as super's so hard to decide.

Monday, September 16, 2013

13 Unexpected Benefits of Exercise

I came across this article and it reminded me that exercise helps more than just staying in shape.  I've been so stressed at work that I haven't had any motivation to workout, but this article helped remind me that exercise helps! So instead of sitting on the couch and watching TV when I get home, by butt will be going back on the treadmill and I will run my stress away...I hope :)

By Sophia Breene | Greatist

Many people hit the gym or pound the pavement to improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and of course, get a rockin’ bod, but working out has above-the-neck benefits, too. For the past decade or so, scientists have pondered how exercising can boost brain function. Regardless of age or fitness level (yup, this includes everyone from mall-walkers to marathoners), studies show that making time for exercise provides some serious mental benefits. Get inspired to exercise by reading up on these unexpected ways that working out can benefit mental health, relationships, and lead to a healthier and happier life overall.
  1. Reduce stress. Rough day at the office? Take a walk or head to the gym for a quick workout. One of the most common mental benefits of exercise is stress relief. Working up a sweat can help manage physical and mental stress. Exercise also increases concentrations of norepinephrine, a chemical that can moderate the brain’s response to stress. So go ahead and get sweaty — working out can reduce stress and boost the body’s ability to deal with existing mental tension. Win-win!
  2. Boost happy chemicals. Slogging through a few miles on the ‘mill can be tough, but it’s worth the effort! Exercise releases endorphins, which create feelings of happiness and euphoria. Studies have shown that exercise can even alleviate symptoms among the clinically depressed. For this reason, docs recommend that people suffering from depression or anxiety (or those who are just feeling blue) pencil in plenty of gym time. In some cases, exercise can be just as effective as antidepressant pills in treating depression. Don’t worry if you’re not exactly the gym rat type — getting a happy buzz from working out for just 30 minutes a few times a week can instantly boost overall mood.
  3. Improve self-confidence. Hop on the treadmill to look (and more importantly, feel) like a million bucks. On a very basic level, physical fitness can boost self-esteem and improve positive self-image. Regardless of weight, size, gender, or age, exercise can quickly elevate a person’s perception of his or her attractiveness, that is, self-worth. How’s that for feeling the (self) love?
  4. Enjoy the great outdoors. For an extra boost of confidence, take that workout outside. Exercising in the great outdoors can increase self-esteem even more. Find an outdoor workout that fits your style, whether it’s rock-climbing, hiking, renting a canoe, or just taking a jog in the park. Plus, all that Vitamin D acquired from soaking up the sun (while wearing sunscreen, of course!) can lessen the likelihood of experiencing depressive symptoms. Why book a spa day when a little fresh air, sunshine and exercise can work wonders for self-confidence and happiness?
  5. Prevent cognitive decline. It’s unpleasant, but it’s true — as we get older, our brains get a little… hazy. As aging and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s kill off brain cells, the noggin actually shrinks, losing many important brain functions in the process. While exercise and a healthy diet can’t cure Alzheimer’s, they can help shore up the brain against cognitive decline that begins after age 45. Working out, especially between age 25 and 45, boosts the chemicals in the brain that support and prevent degeneration of the hippocampus, an important part of the brain for memory and learning.
  6. Alleviate anxiety. The warm and fuzzy chemicals that are released during and after exercise can help people with anxiety disorders. Hopping on the track or treadmill for some moderate-to-high intensity aerobic exercise (intervals, anyone?) can reduce anxiety sensitivity. And we thought intervals were just a good way to burn calories!
  7. Boost brainpower. Those buff lab rats might be smarter than we think. Various studies on mice and men have shown that cardiovascular exercise can create new brain cells (aka neurogenesis) and improve overall brain performance. Studies also suggest that a tough workout increases levels of a brain-derived protein (known as BDNF) in the body, believed to help with decision making, higher thinking, and learning. Smarty (spandex) pants, indeed.
  8. Sharpen memory. Regular physical activity also boosts memory and ability to learn new things. Getting sweaty increases production of cells in hippocampus responsible for memory and learning. For this reason, research has linked children’s brain development with level of physical fitness (take that, recess haters!). But exercise-based brainpower isn’t just for kids. Even if it’s not as fun as a game of Red Rover, working out can boost memory among grown-ups, too. A study showed that running sprints improved vocabulary retention among healthy adults.
  9. Help control addiction. The brain releases dopamine, the “reward chemical” in response to any form of pleasure, be that exercise, sex, drugs, alcohol, or food. Unfortunately, some people become addicted to dopamine and dependent on the substances that produce it. On the bright side, exercise can help in addiction recovery.
  10. Increase relaxation. Ever hit the hay after a long run or weight session at the gym? For some, a moderate workout can be the equivalent of a sleeping pill, even for people with insomnia. Moving around five to six hours before bedtime raises the body’s core temperature. When the body temp drops back to normal a few hours later, it signals the body that it’s time to sleep.
  11. Get more done. Feeling uninspired in the cubicle? The solution might be just a short walk or jog away. Research shows that workers who take time for exercise on a regular basis are more productive and have more energy than their more sedentary peers.
  12. Tap into creativity. Most people end a tough workout with a hot shower, but maybe we should be breaking out the colored pencils instead. A heart-pumping gym session can boost creativity for up to two hours afterwards. Supercharge post-workout inspiration by exercising outdoors and interacting with nature (see benefit #4). Next time you need a burst of creative thinking, hit the trails for a long walk or run to refresh the body and the brain at the same time.
  13. Inspire others. Whether it’s a pick-up game of soccer, a group class at the gym, or just a run with a friend, studies show that most people perform better on aerobic tests when paired up with a workout buddy. Pin it to inspiration or good old-fashioned competition, nobody wants to let the other person down. In fact, being part of a team is so powerful that it can actually raise athletes’ tolerances for pain. Even fitness beginners can inspire each other to push harder during a sweat session, so find a workout buddy and get moving!
Working out can have positive effects far beyond the gym. Gaining self-confidence, getting out of a funk, and even thinking smarter are some of the motivations to take time for exercise on a regular basis.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Me vs Golf

Have you ever tried to golf?  I have and I must say it's probably one of the more frustrating sports I've ever played.  It's not that I am horrible at it, because I am actually not too bad, but the frustrating part is that if you don't play it often you lose it.  I played golf over the weekend and hadn't played in a year and it was amazing how much my game was off.  The first few holes felt like I was a beginner again, it was so frustrating.  And then you have people behind you pushing you along and causing all sorts of stress on you when you just want to relax and hit the ball...and to top it off the cost is outrageous! How do people afford to golf all of the time?  That was my rant for the day, Happy Monday everyone!

Monday, August 19, 2013


NOTE to Self....When going on a motorcycle ride and you decide to not wear your jacket, PUT on sunscreen! sunburn is still hot today after yesterday's motorcycle ride. :(  Happy Monday everyone!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Snoqualmie Lake Hike

If you are looking for a good overnight hike I would recommend this one. We started at the beginning of the trail head which was just past Middle Fork Campground. We hiked about 4.5 miles until we reached Otter Falls. We went up the side of the mountain to reach Otter Falls (it's tricky to find, just look for the piled rock formation). Then we ate lunch and continued on for an additional 4 miles to Snoqualmie Lake. I must warn you, the final 2 miles (by my watch 2.5 miles) it's all up hill and very rocky so take your time. There were multiple camps to pick from and we found ours immediately. It was right next to the lake and it was a large area perfect for both of the tents far enough away from the fire pit that I didn't worry about something catching on fire.

Once we got everything situated I boiled us up some water so we could eat our food. I had to do this quickly because the storm was coming.  It started with thunder and then came the lightning and rain.  We knew it was coming so we rushed into the tent and ate our food in the tent and watched the storm hit.  After about an hour it let up so we went back outside and started looking for wood to build a fire.   We had a pretty impressive fire, which was nice.  It kept us warm which we roasted marshmallows and drank our spiked hot cocoa.  It was a great trip.  We look forward to many more overnight hikes!

Checkout the hike map on my hiking blog at:


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Gluten Free Hiking Food

As I prepare for our overnight hike I have to take into consideration that I cannot eat a lot of the same foods as others.  And I don't think it's fair to prevent them from eating  gluten when it's my stomach that's the I've decided to come up with some alternatives for myself that are simple and easy to make ahead of time before you leave on your hiking/camping trip.  The best part is that they are simple to make and there are also some great options in the stores.  Don't worry I will tell you all about them. 

First, let's start off with a food list.  These foods are easy to find at any store and are light weight.  You can even make your own recipes with these foods instead of buying them at the store.

Food Ideas

Beef Jerky
Celery w/ peanut butter
Trail mix (raisins, peanuts, dried fruit, etc)
Canned Tuna
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich (use gluten free bread)
Granola gluten-free
Quinoa Cookies
Mountain House dried food (they have gluten free meals)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tiny Watermelon

Watermelon & Zucchini

I have a watermelon & Zucchini, but the watermelon is already twice it's size from yesterday, more pictures to come....hopefully in a few weeks it will be ready to eat.  Can't wait!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Garden Fresh

I was so excited to finally get some veggies from my garden.  I planted late this year so the fact that I am getting anything is exciting.  I made sure to enjoy our fresh veggies for dinner by cooking up sauteed zucchini, green peppers, and onion and seasoned it with fresh basil, garlic, and pepper.  It was delicious!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Preparing For an Overnight Hike

We are excited to be going on an overnight hike soon but I have found that preparing for one is the hard part.  I found a hike for us, so that's one thing off the list, but what about everything else that you need.  Like a tent, sleeping bag, food, water, first aid kit, food storage (to keep bears away), insect repellent, etc.  There are so many things to think of when you are going on an overnight hike.  Then it's thinking about, can we carry all of this?  We both have large bags, but we don't want to have too much weight on us, so then it comes down to "what do we really need" versus "what do I want to bring." 

I found a great list of items that are essential and for comfort in my Backpacking Washington book.  So I'm making sure we have all of the essentials and then if we have room we can bring additional items. Below are the items from the list, the items marked with an asterisk (*) are for comfort.  Do you agree with this list?

My Backpacking List
  • pack and cover
  • tent
  • ground cloth
  • space blanket
  • sleeping bag
  • sleeping pad
  • headlamp
  • batteries
  • *stool
  • *collapsible water bucket
  • stove
  • fuel
  • dishes and cup
  • utensils
  • matches
  • food bag and food
  • boots
  • socks and liners
  • shorts
  • briefs
  • thermal shirt
  • long-sleeve shirt
  • short-sleeve shirt
  • fleece vest
  • long pants
  • rain jacket, shell, or poncho
  • rain pants
  • rain hat
  • cap sunglasses
  • gloves
  • *camp shoes
  • bandanna
  • map and compass
  • notebook and pen
  • safety pins
  • garbage bag
  • resealable plastic bags
  • rope
  • jackknife
  • collapsible water bottles
  • *collapsible wine bag
  • duct tape
  • *trekking poles
  • first aid kit
  • toiletries
  • toilet paper
  • hand sanitizer
  • ibuprofen
  • *magazine/book
  • sunscreen
  • bug spray
  • water tablets
  • washcloth and towel
  • *camera
  • *GPS unit
  • *small lantern
  • map

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ride for ALS

I am very excited to share this wonderful story.  My brother-in-law is currently riding his bike across the United States from Portland Oregon to Portland Maine to raise money and awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) research.  They are currently is Missoula Montana and are making their way to the East Coast. 

To learn more about their journey and to help support them and the cause by donating money, visit their website at

Sunday, June 30, 2013


The summer weather has finally arrived, which means it's time for a hike.  We decided to do the Silver Falls Trail as the first hike since my husband's injury to make sure that he was okay.  The hike was so peaceful and full of mossy trees...I loved it.  The best part was the hot springs and the water fall.  Although the hot springs did not smell very well when it's 80 degrees out, it was still cool feeling the heat coming off of the water.  If you are ever in the Mt Rainier area you need to check out this hike.  It connects to other hikes so you can make it long or short.  You can also camp at the campground and make a long trip out of it.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Small Town Fun

We started the morning meeting up with friends at a mom and pop diner for breakfast.  After a delicious meal we headed to the Meeker Days Festival in Puyallup.  It's basically a huge Saturday Market full of stands, good food, music, and fun games for kids.  It was a blast and we lucked out that it was sunny and the perfect temperature.  We walked around to all of the stands...and bought some beautiful fresh flowers, some tasty BBQ sauce, and balsamic. My husband even got his favorite fair food, the elephant ear, while I had a freshly squeezed strawberry lemonade.  It was the perfect day.

Fresh flowers from the market

Monday, June 17, 2013


My friend came across this quote and I can't agree more....

"An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.  So when life is pulling you back with difficulties, it means that it's going to launch you into something great."

I really hope this is true, because I feel like life keeps pulling be back the last few weeks and I am ready for something positive.  Two weeks ago, my dog was injured by another dog and is still recovering.  Then a few days later my husband was severely injured.  I'd really like that something great to come soon as my emotions are a mess. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Happy Birthday!!

I can't believe it, my first dog Dinky is 8 years old today.  I seems like it was just yesterday when I could hold him in the palm of my hand.  It was so tiny and curious...he never grew out of the curious personality :)  He has been with me on a roller coaster of a life over the last 8 years, and I am so lucky to have had him by my side.  He was always there for me and loved me even when I was acting crazy.  I am so lucky to have this little guy in my life. 

Happy Birthday Dinky! Your Mommy loves you!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Late game blues

I don't know why on earth they would schedule softball games starting at 830pm on a Tuesday. Don't they realize that people have to work early in the morning. And then even worse, you have to play a double header so your second game is starting at 945pm WTF. Seriously that's past my bedtime. By the time the game is over and I drive home and get to bed I'm lucky to get 4 hours of sleep. That's just wrong. How do you expect people to be productive at work with so little of sleep. Seriously who came up with these schedules. They need to be punched in the face for being so dumb. Uuuuggghhh

Monday, May 27, 2013

Three Day Weekend

We had an awesome three day weekend.  We started off with a delicious dinner on Friday to The Rock...and of course a few buckets! Yum!  Then Saturday was a lazy day and a yard work day.  The Sunday we celebrated a retirement of one of my husband aunts and enjoyed hanging out and playing pool.  Then we ending the long weekend going to Emerald Downs with some great friends...we didn't let the rain stop us from having fun.  I even won my money back on the final race that we stayed was pretty exciting :)  Then we headed over to a piece of land that we are looking at to buy to see how it looks...that's when the rain starting pouring on us.  We were was some bad timing to be walking around in tall grass, bushes, and trees...the rain his us so hard and fast we didn't get a chance to avoid it.  On the plus side we were able to still look at the property and have a few others to look at, but hopefully within the next few weeks we can put an offer on one.  I wish three day weekends were more often.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Our Garden

I am so excited that I finally planted my garden yesterday.  I'm a little late to be planting seeds, but hopefully the sun returns so my seeds will grow.  My amazing husband cleared out the weeds and made the area look great so I could plant.  He even expanded my garden because last year the pumpkins and zucchini overtook the entire area.  So he made my garden larger.  This year I tried out new seeds that I've never done so it's definitely a learning garden this year.  I planted Zucchini, Pumpkin, Sweet Onion, Green Onion, Corn, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Artichoke, and Green Peppers.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Herbs in Chalkboard Paint Pots

This year besides a vegetable garden I also wanted to do an herb garden.  I picked a total of 6 herbs that I use all the time to help save money and to use fresh herbs versus dried because it tastes better to me.  I painted the pots with chalkboard paint so that I can use them year after year.  It was so simple and fun and look forward to using the paint around the house. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

New Hat :)

I found this hat at Fred Meyer and I was so excited because it's so cute and comfy so I had to share :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Yard Work Time

It's that time of year when I start getting ready to plant my seeds for my garden.  This year I bought a variety of seeds that are new to me, so it's a new exciting challenge for me.  My husband prepped the garden and my new garden area...that's right I have two gardens this year and I am super excited.  So now all I have to do it put up a little fence to block the dogs and start planting.

I also started planting flowers like the picture below.  It's the awesome mothers day gift I got from my hubby...he's so sweet.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day Weekend

On Friday my Mom and I went over to Ellensburg to visit my brother in college.  It was family weekend at Central so he didn't seem to be too embarrassed to have his older sister and mom around :)  We started off by me teach them how to make skinny margarita's, using crystal light, tequila, lime, and triple sec.  Then we heading to a hot wing place where we ate some deliciously spicy hot wings.  They were so hot that it made my voice horse...this was a first...but so worth it.  Then we headed to a comedy show.  The show had it's ups and downs, but it was someone only 25 and new so she has many years ahead of her.  She did a great job for being so young.  The rest of weekend including going to the Saturday market, breakfast, and shopping. It was a fantastic Mother's Day weekend. 

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello NICE Weather

As the weather changes all I can think about is everything that I want to do.  I want to hike, go on long motorcycle rides, BBQ, garden, yard work...the list just goes on and on.  The tough part is deciding how to do everything with the minimal amount of good weather we normally have in the Seattle area.  But it seems that the weather is improving for us this's only spring and the we have reached 70 degrees, we could reach 80 this weekend.  This is not normal for spring weather and I am happy for it because we are able to do things outside.  We are going hiking this weekend and hopefully BBQ'in so that's two things off the list.  Yay! Happy Spring everyone!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

It's time to ride...

The weather this week has been beautiful in the Seattle area, but of course good things always come to and end.  I thought it was going to continue to be sunny and warm today, but right now all I see is cold air and clouds.  I really hope it doesn't rain because I rode my motorcycle into work today and I'd hate to ride in the rain without rain gear.  Let's hope for some sunny weather...actually I will take 70 degree weather with clouds....just no rain.

Happy Friday Everyone!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Team Sports...

When you are young most parents have their kids play some sort of team sports to keep kids active and to have fun.  But what happens when you aren't a kid anymore and decide to play team sports...I'll tell you what happens, it's gets way more competitive and serious...what happened to playing just for fun? I find it hard to be on teams that all they think about is winning.  Winning isn't everything people!  Especially when you have new players on the team.  Most adults are here to play for least I thought that was the case...but I've learned that most men are WAY too competitive and need to learn to chill out when playing on co-ed teams.

I'm on my work co-ed softball team and we just started practices and so far everyone seems to be pretty relaxed and there for fun.  Hopefully this continues when the games start because...we shall see.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Low GI Foods

My husband has decided to try a new way of eating to try to lose weight and keep it off.  We are looking at it more as a lifestyle change compared to a diet because if this works he will continue to eat this way and not do it temporarily.  He has a co-worker who has lost weight eating a low GI diet with heavy protein., and we've upped his calorie intake so it's going to be hard for him to eat an extra 800 calories a day.  I'm not going to be eating like him most of the time, but I am supporting him and helping him anyway I can.  I will make sure our dinners are to his diet and to mine (gluten free), so I have a huge challenge but I am excited for it.  Dinner tonight is Cilantro Cod, Spicy Shrimp, Grilled asparagus, and mushrooms....just thinking about those foods makes me hungry...

For those of you who aren't familiar with low GI foods, here is a list of foods (the list is much larger, but these are the foods I found on one of the many websites with lists)

Food TypeGIFood TypeGI
Yogurt low-fat (sweetened)14Pears38
Peanuts15Tomato soup, tinned38
Artichoke15Haricot beans, boiled38
Broccoli15Ravioli, meat filled39
Cauliflower15Carrots, cooked39
Celery15*Snickers bar40
Cucumber15Apple juice41
Eggplant15Wheat kernels41
Green beans15Spaghetti, white41
Lettuce, all varieties15Black-eyed beans41
Low-fat yogurt, artificially sweetened15All-Bran42
Peppers, all varieties15Peaches42
Snow peas15Chickpeas, tinned42
Young summer squash15Lentil soup, tinned44
Tomatoes15Carrot juice45
Soya beans, boiled16Pineapple juice46
Cherries22Rice, instant46
Peas, dried22Grapes46
Milk, chocolate24Grapefruit juice48
Pearl barley25Multi grain bread48
Grapefruit25Rice, parboiled48
Milk, whole27Baked beans, tinned48
Spaghetti, protein enriched27Porridge, non-instant49
Kidney beans, boiled29*Chocolate bar; 30g49
Lentils green, boiled29Jams and marmalades49
Soya milk30Whole grain50
Apricots (dried)31Barley, cracked50
Milk, Fat-free32*Ice-cream (low- fat)50
Milk ,skimmed32Yam51
Fettuccine32Orange juice52
*M&Ms (peanut)32Kidney beans, tinned52
Chickpeas33Lentils green, tinned52
Rye34Kiwi fruit53
Milk, semi-skimmed34*Pound cake54
Spaghetti, whole wheat37Sweet potato54