Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Team Sports...

When you are young most parents have their kids play some sort of team sports to keep kids active and to have fun.  But what happens when you aren't a kid anymore and decide to play team sports...I'll tell you what happens, it's gets way more competitive and serious...what happened to playing just for fun? I find it hard to be on teams that all they think about is winning.  Winning isn't everything people!  Especially when you have new players on the team.  Most adults are here to play for least I thought that was the case...but I've learned that most men are WAY too competitive and need to learn to chill out when playing on co-ed teams.

I'm on my work co-ed softball team and we just started practices and so far everyone seems to be pretty relaxed and there for fun.  Hopefully this continues when the games start because...we shall see.

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