Monday, May 27, 2013

Three Day Weekend

We had an awesome three day weekend.  We started off with a delicious dinner on Friday to The Rock...and of course a few buckets! Yum!  Then Saturday was a lazy day and a yard work day.  The Sunday we celebrated a retirement of one of my husband aunts and enjoyed hanging out and playing pool.  Then we ending the long weekend going to Emerald Downs with some great friends...we didn't let the rain stop us from having fun.  I even won my money back on the final race that we stayed was pretty exciting :)  Then we headed over to a piece of land that we are looking at to buy to see how it looks...that's when the rain starting pouring on us.  We were was some bad timing to be walking around in tall grass, bushes, and trees...the rain his us so hard and fast we didn't get a chance to avoid it.  On the plus side we were able to still look at the property and have a few others to look at, but hopefully within the next few weeks we can put an offer on one.  I wish three day weekends were more often.

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