Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gym Workouts

Yesterday was my first day back in the's been a year since I last went to the did it feel good to get back in there.  I decided to take things slow...I started on the treadmill.  The treadmill had an option of weight loss which included intervals so I tried it out.  I set the time for 45 minutes, it had me do 3 minutes at a pace of 4.0 and a 0 incline, then it upped my incline to 3.0 and changed my pace to 3.5 for 4 minutes, next it brought my include back down to 0 and this time it upped my pace to 5.0....but that wasn't enough for me so I upped it to 7.0.  It then for the next 45 minutes continued to switch my incline and pace.  It was probably one of my best workouts on a treadmill, I was sweating my ASS off.  After the treadmill I hit the weight machines, since I am new to weight machines I decided to try a little bit of everything.  I don't remember the name of the machines, but I did an ab machine, a machine for my upper back, arms, and chest.  I also did the leg press....I did 4 reps of 20 at 150 lbs and it felt great.  I also did one rep of 250lbs just to see if I could do it since that's the weight my fiancee left the machine at :)  I will return to the gym tomorrow to try out some new machine including the stair machine...that one kicks my butt everytime!

Monday, June 25, 2012


Yes it's that time to start bringing Insanity back into my not an insane person, but rather the insane workout video called Insanity.  Because only an insane person like me would do insanity.  Do not attempt these videos if you are really out of shape, you will not make it.  Because I am the type of person that get's bored easily I plan on including turbo fire and 30 day shred into my insanity routine.  I hope between the three videos I will be able to be in the best shape of my life.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wedding Dress Fitting...ugh

Well the time is finally dress fitting time...ugh...

I'm not where I want to be and I am very disappointed in myself.  My dress fitting is next weekend and I'm still 10 pounds away from my goal.  I have been eating low calories and exercising and my body seems to say "F-U Sarah, you aren't going to lose anymore weight"....Normally at this point I would say I give up and stop, but I've decided instead of giving up I am going to push harder.  I've decided to up my calories...yes I said up them...I'd been doing a lot of reading and people recommend upping your calories when you've done low calorie diets for a long period of time...I'm going on a year and a half.  So we shall see how it goes.  Today is day one of eating more healthy food and I am going to continue to exercise 5 times a week, just mix it up more.  I'm going to do cardio and strength training every other day to ensure that my body doesn't get used my workouts. 

My wedding is 3 month away which gives me 2 month to lose those final 10 pounds before my second dress fitting.  Wish me luck, because I'm going to need it!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Type "A"

I've starting reading a book called "Eating Right For Your Type" and I have found it very fascinating.  So fascinating that I am going to start incorporating parts of it into my life. It makes a lot of sense that depending on your blood type you should consume certain foods. The only problem I have with the book so far is that it says Type "A" should be a vegetarian...I grew up as a steak and potato type of gal so this worries me.  I've also grown up with all sorts of stomach issues and I'm now thinking it's because my body doesn't agree with the foods that I ate. 

So If you are a Type A like me read on as I found the next information off of their website (same information in the book):

Type As flourish on a vegetarian diet - if you are accustomed to eating meat, you will lose weight and have more energy once you eliminate the toxic foods from your diet. Many people find it difficult to move away from the typical meat and potato fare to soy proteins, grains and vegetables. But it is particularly important for sensitive Type As to eat their foods in as natural a state as possible: pure, fresh and organic. "I can't emphasize enough how this critical dietary adjustment can be to the sensitive immune system of Type A. With this diet you can supercharge your immune system and potentially short circuit the development of life threatening diseases."

The best thing about this book is that it talks about all Blood Types so if your significant other or family or friends want to learn about their type they can.  Also, the book recommends the best exercises, for example Type A should do Yoga weekly...I love Yoga I just don't do it enough.  And I'm always amazing on how good I feel after doing it so I should do it more.  I know there are lot of books that talk about health and what works for what body, but this research just makes me feel like I have hope on changing my life. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Challenge Calendar

For those of you who need structure like me you will enjoy the calendar I put together to ensure that I know which videos I will be doing and when.  The best part about this challenge is that I've given myself a prize if I can complete all of these days.  No I am not going to eat a ton of junk food after I finish...I am going to treat myself to a spa day.  Yup a relaxing day thats all about me some perfect, and after all the working out I plan on doing my body will need some relaxation!

June 2012
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
          1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
30 Day Shred
Level 1
Turbo Fire
Fire 30
30 Day Shred
Level 1
Turbo Fire
HIT 15 + CORE 20
30 Day Shred
Level 1
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Turbo Fire
Fire 45
30 Day Shred
Level 2
Turbo Fire
30 Day Shred
Level 2
Turbo Fire
CORE 20 + Stretch 10
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
30 Day Shred
Level 2
Turbo Fire
Fire 55 EZ
30 Day Shred
Level 3
Turbo Fire
HIIT 15 + Sculpt 30
30 Day Shred
Level 3
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Turbo Fire
30 Day Shred
Level 3
Turbo Fire
30 Day Shred
Level 3
Turbo Fire
Stretch 40

Monday, June 4, 2012

30 Day Shred / Turbo Fire Challenge

Today is day one of my challenge.  I decided to ensure that I don't get bored in the next 30 days that I am going to combine my 30 day shred and turbo fire videos.  Meaning, one day shred the next turbo fire.  I am going to do these video's Monday - Friday, which allows me to do other exercises during the weekend.  Like how last weekend I did yard work and softball and the weekend before that I went hiking.  I figure as long as I am pushing myself during the week I should be more successful in reaching my goal.  My dress fitting is getting closer and closer and I want to be down a few inches before then, so it's time to get serious. 

I have the food thing down, now it's time to turn my fat into muscle.  I've also decided that during this challenge I'm not going to weigh myself, it's going to be hard but this is something that I have to do.  I've become too obsessed with weighing myself and I need to concentrate more on how I feel and look versus what the scale says. 

Team Sports

Oh team sports....probably one of my best workouts is playing on a co-ed softball team with my Fiancee and some of his friends.  It truly is a blast and an awesome workout.  So yesterday we had a softball game and I was a little nervous about it.  Due to rain outs and holidays we haven't played in a month.  This means I was a little rusty...and so was everyone else.  We made sure to arrive early to the field to warm up, if only we had a chance to warm up our batting swing...My first two at bats were a little rusty I made it one the first hit but the pitcher caught my line drive that if he would have missed it would have seriously injured was heading for his knee caps.  We ended up winning the game which was great and my future parent-in-laws even showed up for the game.  It was a blast but I sure did feel out of shape running around those basis.  I workout a lot, but running around bases and after balls use your whole body.  It doesn't matter how often I run on my treadmill or around the block, none of that compares to the full sprint I am running after I hit the ball.