Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What's Your Motivation?

I've come to realize that without motivation I won't be successful in my journey to becoming healthy.  I have found that my works biggest loser competition has motivated me a lot.  I was in second place and as of this weeks weigh-in I am in third....this has motivated me to work harder as I don't want to be in third place.  I only have two more weigh-ins, so I need to push it the next two weeks to meet my goal and to get back into second place (There is NO chance for me to be in first sadly).

My other motivations include: 1) my boyfriend, who is losing weight with me; 2) myself, I don't like the way I look so instead of complaining I am fixing it; and 3) my future, I want to have children and to be able to be active with them as they grow up!

What's your motivation?

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