Friday, April 1, 2011

Calorie Counting Works For Me

There are many different options for males and females when it comes to weight loss, so I wasn't sure what would work for me....this is my first time trying to loose weight.  But now that 20lbs are gone and I am only 7 pounds away from my first goal, I've realized that if it wasn't for counting calories I would probably not have lost as much weight.  I am a visual person, so when I see pretty food I want to eat it ALL, even when I am full.  Counting calories has allowed me to restrain myself from eating crap!  Although I do allow myself a few chips here and there, I monitor how much I consume.  Counting calories has helped me with my food and drink moderation also, which is huge for me.  I recommend counting calories to people who need the structure like I's amazing how much you eat a drink in a day and not even realize it. 

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