Thursday, April 28, 2011

I was wrong....

I thought after finishing the Biggest Loser at work that I would continue to have the same motivation, but I don't!  I have so much going on in my life right now that I am finding it harder and harder to workout. So I've decided right here and now that regardless of how packed my days are I can still make room for a 20-30 minute workout.  No more excuses for me...I have a weight loss goal and I want to reach it!

I am going to Yoga tonight which I hope will motivate me to start practicing Yoga on a weekly basis again.  I love Yoga, but have been so obsessed with cardio only, that I haven't practiced in a while.  This weekend I am participating in the Bloomsday run, it's a 12k, although I would love to someday run the whole thing, at this time it will be doing a mixture of walking and running.  :)

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