Monday, March 24, 2014

Getting back in shape

Well I have a huge motivator to get me back in shape....I am re-enlisting into the military.  This means I have to pass the PT test again....time to start running.  The plus side is that I am 30 so the test isn't as hard as when I was 21, but it still isn't easy as I don't remember the last time I did push ups and I can't use my knees :(  So I started yesterday with walking/running with my black lab, lots of yard work, and then finished with playing a little softball.  It was an overall feel good day.  I feel great today even though I didn't sleep well (stomach issues) ugh.  So today I am going to take our dog for another walk/run to keep me motivated.  Plus it is a beautiful day in Seattle so I must take advantage of it. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Seahawks WIN!!!!

Oh my gosh what an amazing game to have gone to. Thank you Dad for taking me! It will be a game that I never forget. I am still so hyped up that I am unable to sleep.  Super bowl here we come!!! Wooooohoooooo!!!!!! Go Hawks!!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fitbit Flex

I am excited for my new toy, the fitbit flex, but sad to see my bodymedia go.  It was a great four years and it was so sad when it decided to not work anymore.  On the upside, I now don't have to pay a monthly fee to see my data, which bodymedia should get rid of, the arm band cost a lot as it is.  So today is my first day with my fitbit flex on all day.  I charged it last night and set everything up and even slept in it.  It is very similar to my old bodymedia so I am curious to see how similar they are in calories burned.  I'm always unsure about new fitness gadgets, but have a few friends who have a fitbit so I figured I would try it out.  For those who are not familiar with the Fitbit Flex, it can track all sorts of information.  Below is a list of what the fitbit can do.

Fitbit Flex
- Tracks calories burned
- Tracks steps
- Tracks miles
- Tracks active minutes
- Tracks weight loss
- Tracks your sleep (minutes sleeping and restless)
- Calories eaten (I synced mine up with myfitnesspal)
- Calories left
- Water consumed

You can also setup goals and alarms on the fitbit flex.  It can do all sorts of stuff but I am more interested in the accuracy to help me lose weight.  I will let you know tomorrow how it compares to the bodymedia.  Happy Friday and GO SEAHAWKS!!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Work it out

Today is day 2 of eating healthy and working out.  The only big change for me is working out more as I slacked 2013 so now it's time to get back in shape.  I don't want to be a lazy couch potato so it's time to get moving. Yesterday I did my cardio, kickboxing, and today it was strength, yoga.  I forgot how much I enjoy yoga and how it relaxes me and makes me feel so much better.  I really need to start doing it more as it will help with my stress and it will strengthen my arms and core.  2014 lookout it's fitness time!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

I cannot believe it is 2014, I feel like we just started 2013.  Time is flying by way to fast, I want it to slow down.  But for 2014 I have set those typical goals of getting back on track of getting healthy and finally losing my last 10 pounds that I have been putting off, but this is the year, I can feel it.  I started off the morning with a protein shake and kickboxing to help motivate me.  Bring it 2014 I am ready for you and looking forward to what will come of it.  Happy New Year Everyone!