Friday, January 17, 2014

Fitbit Flex

I am excited for my new toy, the fitbit flex, but sad to see my bodymedia go.  It was a great four years and it was so sad when it decided to not work anymore.  On the upside, I now don't have to pay a monthly fee to see my data, which bodymedia should get rid of, the arm band cost a lot as it is.  So today is my first day with my fitbit flex on all day.  I charged it last night and set everything up and even slept in it.  It is very similar to my old bodymedia so I am curious to see how similar they are in calories burned.  I'm always unsure about new fitness gadgets, but have a few friends who have a fitbit so I figured I would try it out.  For those who are not familiar with the Fitbit Flex, it can track all sorts of information.  Below is a list of what the fitbit can do.

Fitbit Flex
- Tracks calories burned
- Tracks steps
- Tracks miles
- Tracks active minutes
- Tracks weight loss
- Tracks your sleep (minutes sleeping and restless)
- Calories eaten (I synced mine up with myfitnesspal)
- Calories left
- Water consumed

You can also setup goals and alarms on the fitbit flex.  It can do all sorts of stuff but I am more interested in the accuracy to help me lose weight.  I will let you know tomorrow how it compares to the bodymedia.  Happy Friday and GO SEAHAWKS!!!!

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