Monday, March 24, 2014

Getting back in shape

Well I have a huge motivator to get me back in shape....I am re-enlisting into the military.  This means I have to pass the PT test again....time to start running.  The plus side is that I am 30 so the test isn't as hard as when I was 21, but it still isn't easy as I don't remember the last time I did push ups and I can't use my knees :(  So I started yesterday with walking/running with my black lab, lots of yard work, and then finished with playing a little softball.  It was an overall feel good day.  I feel great today even though I didn't sleep well (stomach issues) ugh.  So today I am going to take our dog for another walk/run to keep me motivated.  Plus it is a beautiful day in Seattle so I must take advantage of it. 

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