Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hello NICE Weather

As the weather changes all I can think about is everything that I want to do.  I want to hike, go on long motorcycle rides, BBQ, garden, yard work...the list just goes on and on.  The tough part is deciding how to do everything with the minimal amount of good weather we normally have in the Seattle area.  But it seems that the weather is improving for us this year...it's only spring and the we have reached 70 degrees, we could reach 80 this weekend.  This is not normal for spring weather and I am happy for it because we are able to do things outside.  We are going hiking this weekend and hopefully BBQ'in so that's two things off the list.  Yay! Happy Spring everyone!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

It's time to ride...

The weather this week has been beautiful in the Seattle area, but of course good things always come to and end.  I thought it was going to continue to be sunny and warm today, but right now all I see is cold air and clouds.  I really hope it doesn't rain because I rode my motorcycle into work today and I'd hate to ride in the rain without rain gear.  Let's hope for some sunny weather...actually I will take 70 degree weather with clouds....just no rain.

Happy Friday Everyone!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Team Sports...

When you are young most parents have their kids play some sort of team sports to keep kids active and to have fun.  But what happens when you aren't a kid anymore and decide to play team sports...I'll tell you what happens, it's gets way more competitive and serious...what happened to playing just for fun? I find it hard to be on teams that all they think about is winning.  Winning isn't everything people!  Especially when you have new players on the team.  Most adults are here to play for fun...at least I thought that was the case...but I've learned that most men are WAY too competitive and need to learn to chill out when playing on co-ed teams.

I'm on my work co-ed softball team and we just started practices and so far everyone seems to be pretty relaxed and there for fun.  Hopefully this continues when the games start because...we shall see.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Low GI Foods

My husband has decided to try a new way of eating to try to lose weight and keep it off.  We are looking at it more as a lifestyle change compared to a diet because if this works he will continue to eat this way and not do it temporarily.  He has a co-worker who has lost weight eating a low GI diet with heavy protein., and we've upped his calorie intake so it's going to be hard for him to eat an extra 800 calories a day.  I'm not going to be eating like him most of the time, but I am supporting him and helping him anyway I can.  I will make sure our dinners are to his diet and to mine (gluten free), so I have a huge challenge but I am excited for it.  Dinner tonight is Cilantro Cod, Spicy Shrimp, Grilled asparagus, and mushrooms....just thinking about those foods makes me hungry...

For those of you who aren't familiar with low GI foods, here is a list of foods (the list is much larger, but these are the foods I found on one of the many websites with lists)

Food TypeGIFood TypeGI
Yogurt low-fat (sweetened)14Pears38
Peanuts15Tomato soup, tinned38
Artichoke15Haricot beans, boiled38
Broccoli15Ravioli, meat filled39
Cauliflower15Carrots, cooked39
Celery15*Snickers bar40
Cucumber15Apple juice41
Eggplant15Wheat kernels41
Green beans15Spaghetti, white41
Lettuce, all varieties15Black-eyed beans41
Low-fat yogurt, artificially sweetened15All-Bran42
Peppers, all varieties15Peaches42
Snow peas15Chickpeas, tinned42
Young summer squash15Lentil soup, tinned44
Tomatoes15Carrot juice45
Soya beans, boiled16Pineapple juice46
Cherries22Rice, instant46
Peas, dried22Grapes46
Milk, chocolate24Grapefruit juice48
Pearl barley25Multi grain bread48
Grapefruit25Rice, parboiled48
Milk, whole27Baked beans, tinned48
Spaghetti, protein enriched27Porridge, non-instant49
Kidney beans, boiled29*Chocolate bar; 30g49
Lentils green, boiled29Jams and marmalades49
Soya milk30Whole grain50
Apricots (dried)31Barley, cracked50
Milk, Fat-free32*Ice-cream (low- fat)50
Milk ,skimmed32Yam51
Fettuccine32Orange juice52
*M&Ms (peanut)32Kidney beans, tinned52
Chickpeas33Lentils green, tinned52
Rye34Kiwi fruit53
Milk, semi-skimmed34*Pound cake54
Spaghetti, whole wheat37Sweet potato54

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I've had a lot of people say that they really like the pictures that I take so I've decided to start posting them to see what everyones real reactions are.  If it's a success maybe I will start doing it part time because I really enjoy taking pictures of animals, nature, and objects.  I'm not big into taking pictures of people, but maybe I will get there.  I created a blog that has my photos...I've posted a handful so far and will continue to post them.  I hope you like them! 

Meyerdirk Photography blog: http://meyerdirkphotography.tumblr.com/

A picture I took at Chihuly Collections cafe

Monday, April 8, 2013

Opening Day - Seattle Mariners

Today is the Seattle Mariners Opening game at Safeco Field and I am so excited to be going with my husband an two of our good friends.  I am so pumped for baseball season to be here....I will be up in the stands cheering so loud I hope to lose my voice. 

We had a great time at the Mariners game....they won!!! YAY!!  There were a few odd things happen during the game...like the annoying people behind us who really ticked us off...some people should stay home and not go to games and ruin it for everyone else.  Then we saw someone who worked at the field that we never expected to see....actually I would have been okay to never see this person ever again.  But without this crazy things we probably wouldn't have had such a great time!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Weekend Fun

What a wonderful weekend. One of my best friends got married to an amazing man and I am so happy for them. They are perfect together. I was lucky enough to be one of her bridesmaids! The theme was awesome...it was Alice in wonderland and Star Wars. It was perfect and screamed the bride and groom in every way. 

This was our first wedding as a married couple and I'm so glad it was theirs.

Our first wedding as husband and wife

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Exciting News!!

I am so excited that I had to share...I am finally testing for my PHR certificate. I was going to test a few years ago but I was too nervous, but now I feel I am ready. This is so exciting and nerve racking...eek! I don't know when I will have time to workout between now and the end of June because I currently work full-time and am taking two college courses, and now I have to study for my exam so I can pass it.  I am so excited and hope I pass because it will really help my career in Human Resources. Wish me luck because I need it! :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

5 day workout...my motivation

I can't believe it's already April 1st, where has this year gone?  I feel like it was just my wedding day, but it's been six months...I am not where I want to be with my weight which is frustrating, but at least I'm not heavier.  I've been able to maintain...but I want to lose so I need to figure something out.  This week I plan on working out every day because I am in a wedding on Saturday and want to look the best that I can.  Hopefully this will help motivate me to continue to workout from this point forward...I've been slacking because of being sick.  But now that I am feeling some what better, it's back to the gym.  Summer is approaching faster then I want and I want to feel confident and buy new cute clothing!