Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I take a multi-vitamin daily and some say that isn't enough. Honestly living in the Seattle area I could see where they are coming from because we don't get that much sun, but I think it also depends on your body.  Some people never get sick and don't take any vitamins others like myself take vitamins, eat healthy, exercise, and still get sick.  I went to a massage therapist yesterday to help with my back pain and while I was there she also said she would massage my sinuses which helps flow the mucus. She also said what helps her kick the bug is something called Emergen-c, it's an organic vitamin booster.  So today I purchased Emergen-C and hope that it helps me feel better.  I must say it didn't taste nasty at all and if it helps me defeat this cold faster I will let you know.  I am always interested in ways to kick the cold or flu that doesn't include cold medicine as I don't like the way it makes me feel.  Organic is better in my book!

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