Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall is Here

Wow, I can't believe it's Fall already.  The weather is just starting to change and I have many cravings for comfort food.  The hard part is that comfort food isn't normally healthy.  I've decided to go through my recipes and convert my non-healthy favorite Fall foods into healthy Fall foods. If any of them turn out I will post them on my cooking blog:
So besides yummy fatty foods in Fall it's also the time of year where it gets cold and wet and because of this it's hard to exercise outside.  Try to remember that you only need 30 minutes a day of exercise to stay healthy, so buy a workout video or walk on your treadmill that is collecting dust.  This time of year is when people gain the most weight, the only way to fight the fatty foods from taking over is portion control, substitutions, and exercise.  Good Luck!

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