Friday, October 21, 2011

Finding Time

Do you go through life thinking that it's going by way too fast?  I do! I also find it hard to get everything done in a day.  It's as if the days have starting going by faster then I like.  I speak of this because I am having a hard time finding time for fitness.  I know I am full of excuses, but life has been so crazy the last couple of months that I hardly have time to breath. Because I spend most of the day at a desk in a chair, I've decided my fitness will need to be done while at work....but I will still do the treadmill when I have time.  I've done some googling and came across chair exercises, they actually seem like a workout I could do and not look too ridiculous (although I am not worried about that as I make a fool out of myself very often).

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I take a multi-vitamin daily and some say that isn't enough. Honestly living in the Seattle area I could see where they are coming from because we don't get that much sun, but I think it also depends on your body.  Some people never get sick and don't take any vitamins others like myself take vitamins, eat healthy, exercise, and still get sick.  I went to a massage therapist yesterday to help with my back pain and while I was there she also said she would massage my sinuses which helps flow the mucus. She also said what helps her kick the bug is something called Emergen-c, it's an organic vitamin booster.  So today I purchased Emergen-C and hope that it helps me feel better.  I must say it didn't taste nasty at all and if it helps me defeat this cold faster I will let you know.  I am always interested in ways to kick the cold or flu that doesn't include cold medicine as I don't like the way it makes me feel.  Organic is better in my book!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Being Happy

I came across this article today and found it very interesting.  Is it really possible to just smile and then you all of a sudden feel happier?  This article talk about how you can get happier is just 28 days....

Get Happier in 28 Days
The consequences of unhappy, negative emotions can invade your professional and personal relationships, and erode your self-esteem. Learn to neutralize negativity by focusing on what makes you happy.         

Week 1: Keep a Daily Diary
Can you easily identify the daily activities, interactions and occurrences that make you happiest? Keeping a daily diary will help you identify the situations and people that make you happiest. Take note of these occurrences, which can be as small as listening to music while working, talking to a good friend, or spending time with your family - and slowly begin to increase the frequency of those tasks which make you happiest.

This step is about self-awareness and thinking critically about your daily reactions and emotions. Only by understanding why we feel the way we do can we expect to make lasting meaningful change.

Week 2: Fake It Till You Make It
This week, you are going to put a smile on your face even if you're feeling blue, grumpy or burdened. A response called facial feedback indicates that when you smile, you send a signal to your brain that says, "I am happy." Additionally, if you're smiling, you're likely to seem more approachable and happy to others - and people are more likely to smile back. We experience positive emotions more frequently than negative ones, but negative emotions are unfortunately stronger.

It's important to remember that you aren't attempting to eliminate all your negative emotions - such a task would overwhelm anyone. Instead, try to increase the instances of positive emotions (remember your daily dairy!).

Week 3: Create a Diversion
When you find yourself drowning in a sea of negative thoughts - "I'm overweight," "I'm unlikeable," "Why am I even at this party?" - you need to find a strategy to stop ruminating. This applies to social situations and when you are spending time alone. It may seem like an overwhelming task to divert your attention from issues swirling in your own mind - but all you need are 1 or 2 escape mechanisms.

If alone, put on your favorite song and sing along or go for a long walk. When in a social setting, try to concentrate on what others are saying in the conversation rather than what's going on in your own mind.

Week 4: Random Acts of Kindness
During the fourth week of your happiness action plan, you are going to commit 1 random act of kindness a day. By feeding a stranger's parking meter, sending someone a thank you note, or paying someone a compliment, you give yourself a burst of positive emotion. By practicing small acts of kindness, you will perceive yourself and others more positively. You'll also appreciate your good fortune in comparison. Give yourself a self-worth, self-esteem boost by helping others.

Original Article from:


I have found it hard to exercise when I am sick.  I currently have a cold and just can't motivate myself to get on that treadmill.  Does anyone know of a good exercise to do when you are sick?  It doesn't help that I don't have an appetite for anything, but I have been drinking water like crazy and taking my vitamin.  Hope this nasty cold passes soon so I can get back on track.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Support Me!

Join me in my efforts to support American Heart Association!

Imagine the impact if we reduce death and disability from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20% by 2020! I’m joining the American Heart Association's Heart Walk to promote physical activity to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Please support me in helping to reach this lifesaving goal by giving a donation today!

Thanks in advance for your support.

To Donate:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fall is Here

Wow, I can't believe it's Fall already.  The weather is just starting to change and I have many cravings for comfort food.  The hard part is that comfort food isn't normally healthy.  I've decided to go through my recipes and convert my non-healthy favorite Fall foods into healthy Fall foods. If any of them turn out I will post them on my cooking blog:
So besides yummy fatty foods in Fall it's also the time of year where it gets cold and wet and because of this it's hard to exercise outside.  Try to remember that you only need 30 minutes a day of exercise to stay healthy, so buy a workout video or walk on your treadmill that is collecting dust.  This time of year is when people gain the most weight, the only way to fight the fatty foods from taking over is portion control, substitutions, and exercise.  Good Luck!